Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Can you highlight your hair during pregnancy?

I just found out I am almost 4 weeks pregnant and I have an appt. Wed to get my hair highlighted, is it safe to highlight my hair as needed throughout the pregnancy? Help please.

Can you highlight your hair during pregnancy?
Yes. A long time ago...people thought it was unsafe because the chemicals in the color could soak into your scalp. Even if...Highlights should never touch your scalp...Its fine. Im 5 weeks and my coworker just touched mine up last week!Can you highlight your hair during pregnancy?
Nope, not until your second trimester. Then I wouldn't suggest having it done as needed. I would only do it once at the very most, if that. It's not necessary when you are pregnant. Your baby is the most important thing, or should be at least, it doesn't matter if you miss a few colorings.
i heard that you can, but not until a certain point during your should ask your doctor, but my sister just had a baby in may and i know that the doctor told her she wasnt allowed to dye her hair or get her nails done.
for the safety of ur baby i'd say wait until the 2nd trimester, just so u know all of the major organs and all that other important stuff is developed already. just think about it this your hair more important than your baby?? i wouldnt take ANY chances. thats just me tho, u do w/e u want..i wish u the best. =]
I had my hair highlighted while i was pregnant and nothing happened they say dying your hair is bad because of the smell but if you highlight it theres really no smell so yeah you can
yes because with highlighting the chemicals don't touch your scalp. they use a cap or foils. you arent supposed to dye your hair because they are putting the chemical all over your scalp.
they say try to avoid it during the 1st trimester,but I know a lot of people that got there hair done and there babies are fines just make sure your in a well ventilated room!
I was told it was ok until my 3 th trimester. LOL Don't be sniffing it. No really all 4 of my kids were fine and I did it til my 3th.

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